domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

Pisco Sour Day, liquor Peruvian flag

Day of the Pisco Sour, Peru's signature drink

In the first week of February Peruvians celebrate in the streets, parks, bars, wineries, municipalities, hotels, and anywhere where people who love their country, meets the Pisco Sour Day as a tribute to this noble , pleasant and elegant Peruvian cocktail.

Ministerial Resolution 161-2004-PRODUCE of April 22, 2004 was established "on the first Saturday of February of every year as the Day of Pisco Sour at the national level". This resolution is complemented by a rule of the former National Institute of Culture (INC) that the October 18, 2007 declared the Pisco Sour as "Cultural Heritage of the Nation," based on the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage the General Law of Cultural Heritage of the Nation and the Directive on Recognition and Declarations of Cultural Manifestations Ongoing Cultural Heritage.

The pisco sour was created in 1916 in the Morris Bar, located on Calle Boza 847 of the shred of the Union. This bar was usually frequented by intellectuals, artists and politicians of the time. Inspired by the sour whiskey, the original recipe had mineral water, sugar syrup, lemon juice and pisco, like a "lemonade pisco", it would have been prepared by the bartenders Alfonso Bregoye, Graciano Cabrera and Alberto Mezarina. According to Jose Antonio Schiaffino, in "The Origin of Pisco Sour", the inventor of the formula was the Californian Victor V. Morris, owner of that bar.

Celebrations in Lima and the Peruvian territory

The public and private places to celebrate are numerous and are found throughout the capital. It is a matter of choice. You can also celebrate at home with friends.

On International Gallos Coliseum The Rosedal de Surco, located in the main square of Surco, there are folk music and folk dances, as well as the presence of producers of Pisco, who made available to the audience the variety of its cuisine and shaker, where pisco is the star.

Pisco Festival that takes place in the Exhibition Park attracts producers of Tacna, Ica, Cañete, Huaral and various districts of Lima to present their best adaptations of popular Peruvian drink, as Aguaymanto Sour, the Natural Sour (with stevia, chia and aguaymanto) and even Urresti Sour. In the same mall is you can also find a food festival to taste national dishes to accompany drinks purchased.

The Municipality of Lima organized a walking tour that took participants through different emblematic places of Cercado. Among them, Maury Hotel, the Hotel Bolivar and cellar Queirolo.

Restaurants, bars and shopping malls to celebrate our dearest cocktail. There are multiple options: a more intimate and other massive, romantic and others to share with friends.

In provinces like Trujillo, the Chamber of Commerce of La Libertad and the Provincial Municipality held the Thirteenth 2016 edition of the National Day of Pisco Sour and twelfth food fair. On 2016 consumed about 5,000 liters of pisco. Some developments were the Coca Sour made of coca and Inca Sour which was made with quinoa. Around 6,000 visitors came to cram the Plazuela El Recreo where tasted the diversity of pisco-based drinks and lots of dishes.

In Ica, Arequipa, Tacna, Moquegua and other regions scenarios are similar. No Peruvian space where they are not held on the Pisco Sour.

Abroad, also Peruvians living abroad taste and enjoy the best of our cuisine to accompany our famous national drink.

I present video to remember how to prepare the pisco sour


Día del Pisco Sour se celebra con festivales y tours en Cercado

Día del Pisco Sour: ofertas y eventos para celebrarlo

Conoce el árbol genealógico del pisco sour

El Día del Pisco Sour 2012

PRODUCE (2004) Instituyen el prime sábado del mes de febrero de cada  año como Día del Pisco Sour, Resolución Ministerial Nº 161-2004-Produce, 22 de abril de 2004

Trujillo: en plazuela El Recreo celebrarán día del Pisco Sour

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