martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

Visiting Russia and the pleasure of traveling

Visit to Russia, the art of enjoying the ride

What is travel? Visit or explore various places or countries, by any means of transport, for a fixed or indefinite period, alone or with family or friends.

Why do you travel? There are several reasons: holiday prizes by lot or a good job, for business, for the sake of adventure.

Why do you travel? For places, meet people, have experience and experiment with the culture of the host country, to stimulate the senses, filling the mind with memories, experiment with unknown forms of life, for cultural and emotional enrichment.

People have a cultural heritage that extends over time between generations; some facts or monuments for its significance, importance and unique attributes are declared as World Heritage. Travel anywhere also serve to enhance and strengthen personal intangible heritage.

Some travelers shown in the picture, possibly enjoy their journey, while others definitely not. His mind is and will be lost in the circuitry that controls smartphone.

You arrive to Moscow. Red Square is a must for travelers, day or night, Cherish her with his eyes, his mind instead. Walk slowly on stage, watch people try to communicate with them, you feel you're not alone. To use your camera to take pictures, it is best conventional.

With the smart phone you can also capture some scenes, but do not overdo. Look, look at you too, otherwise when he returns to his homeland, the phone memory will be full, but his mind and memory are blank, empty.

In Russia or the country to go which behave with the freshness and curiosity of a child, be amazed by what you see and feel, meet with people, feel and live what they feel and live, be an inhabitant of Russia.

Do not miss the opportunity to live, saturate your senses; when necessary, also dare to enjoy the effect of adrenaline. He will never forget the adventure.

Do not go with your smartphone if it controls you and feel the urge or the need to continually look at what is sent or received through it. In that case, better send books to your smartphone and you stay home.

A basic phone to make or receive calls (or smartphone if you're smarter than he is and has the control) with a conventional camera, are sufficient. You will have fun while back and never forget the experiences and adventures.

This is the way to visit a country walk and enjoy its beauty. See with the eyes; feel the smell of food, flowers; feel the strength of concrete in bridges, the smoothness of marble architectural works. Use the five senses. It is noted that the German professor, star of the video is super intelligent because he never had in his hand the smartphone. The if you can say that visited Russia and enjoyed the trip. In addition, you can tell what they actually saw, not what you think you saw. And photos showing scenes correspond to the places he saw and perpetuates with his camera.

Go to Russia or Peru, remember that you are a traveler, you should soak up emotions, memories, experiences; because you will be looking for the tell your family and friends, be you who will remember them later.

I invite you to see the video in which it appears as should spend the holidays at home wherever he goes, Russia, Peru or you have already chosen.

FeelRussia Почувствуй Россию!

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