viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

To fight against Diabetes: healthy eating and exercise. “Sudado de pescado”,

To fight against Diabetes: healthy eating and exercise. “Sudado de pescado”, Fish sweat, Peruvian culinary delight.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that appears when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body does not effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is the hormone used to regulate blood sugar, and when there is no control, hyperglycemia (the increase in blood sugar) appears that gradually damages the body.

There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes, there is not enough insulin production and people should administer insulin daily; It cannot be prevented, it manifests itself in childhood and the cause is unknown. Symptoms: Excessive urine output, thirst, constant hunger, weight loss, visual disturbances and tiredness.

Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent) arises from the inefficient use of insulin. It is the one with the greatest presence worldwide; It is due to excess weight and lack of physical activity. Before it only appeared in adults, nowadays children are also affected.

According to WHO between the 80s and 2014, people with diabetes increased from 108 million to 422 million worldwide. A brutal increase of 290% in 34 years, at the average annual rate of 4.15. With this rate for 2019 there would be 515 million. Really scary figures, when you think about the effects of the disease on the people who suffer from it.

Diabetes is the indirect cause of about 1.6 million deaths annually. Half of these deaths happen before the age of 70. And for bad luck, it is the disease with the highest prevalence in medium and low income countries.

Doctors advise first, changing habits, prioritizing healthy eating, exercise and constant control. The diet to fight diabetes or high glucose levels is varied, but in any case, it is about avoiding foods that have flour or sugar beyond what is recommended, especially if you have a sedentary life.

"Healthy Eating" or "conscious eating" is the choice of foods that are adapted to relate to our natural physiology; Foods that our system can digest, absorb and use to its fullest potential. They are whole foods that have not undergone genetic transformations or have been exposed to human hands or machines, that alter the natural chemical composition of their nutrients; and mixed with others do not generate adverse reactions and possibly toxic to our body.
cern to choose what we eat, when and why; We create a “lifestyle” and rely on solid foundations to avoid criticism and resist temptations.

I will introduce "healthy meals gradually", I start with the “sudado de pescado” or "sweat of fish", one of the most delicious dishes based on marine products. If you don't know how to cook, learn it's worth it. If you have a lot of money, go to a trusted restaurant. And exercise. No rice, some yucca or sweet potato. No soda (used to clean car engine). A lemonade or infusion of herbs, without sugar or with stevia, fruits. It is recommended to use blue fish, but if they are not available, whichever you prefer.

How do you prepare? On the Internet you will find many recipes, with small variations between them, all are fabulous and easy to follow, therefore, a clap of recognition for those who did not dedicate their time to give us these gifts. If you want you can try each one. You will never regret it.


1) A healthy meal, preferably prepared at home. If you don't know how to cook, the effort to learn is worth it. In the long term, it is more convenient for you because it is cheaper and healthier.

2) Natural ingredients. This meal has fish (preferably dark skinned, mackerel, bonito, tuna, sardine). In truth, any fish is good, but the previous ones have their advantages (Omega 3 in abundance).

3) Other ingredients: Tomato. Onion, lemon, garlic, kion or ginger, sweet potato: all foods recommended in the diet to deal with diabetes.

4) Exercise. If you do not have problems with your heart, muscle weakness or any physical limitation, you can and should exercise every other day. The beginning 10 minutes each time, after two weeks go up to 15, then 20, as well. When it reaches 30, increase the intensity of the effort, lift weights of 1 kg, then 1.5 Kg, so on.

5) Know your supermarket or wholesale market, there you will find all at a good price. If I go to a fusion, fusion or trendy restaurant, where a given spend 200 soles (fish meat, served in a flake, a gram of tomato, two slices of onion, a slice of pineapple or prickly pear); If I go to the market with those 200 soles I buy shield, egg, broccoli spinach, olive, cabbage, broccoli, onion, tomato, lemon, olive oil, fruit FOR THE WHOLE MONTH. It is true that everything in fear of a single person, but if there are several, for example 4, so 800 soles used for an AUTHENTICALLY HEALTHY FOOD.

6) PASTEL CHERRY. If you have a family that loves you, if you have your parents, if you have good friends, if you live in a healthy and pleasant environment, if you do well in life and work, if you have opportunities, think about all this when you enjoy Your food and thanks. And when you can, help others, that increases the amount of "spiritual Omega 3".

7) PROHIBITED: It is a heresy, a suicide, a mortal sin, a transgression that intelligent people who love themselves and the people for whom they live, the consumption of all the garbage mentioned:

Soft drinks, energy drinks, yogurt and other processed products, jams and other hyper-processed "foods" in n preserves, sweets, biscuits with different flavors, cheap chocolates, Chinese food (everything, but especially canned ones,), burgers loaded fat and transgenic, fried potato (the one that comes with grilled chicken), etc.



AZUL es el nuevo blanco: Beneficios del pescado azul en tu dieta

Cifras de la diabetes en Argentina y el mundo

Alimentación consciente, saludable y un estilo de vida natural

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